Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Critics Decry Obama's 'Indoctrination' Plan for Students

This is the now the biggest load of garbage that I have seen come out of this White House Administration or should we begin to say, White House Dictatorship. Everyone who subscribes to this blog or reads this blog must pass this article on to their friends. We are losing our great country to socialists who want our children to assist them in their socialistic ways. This has the stench of Red Communism and Nazi Germany. The Nazi's had the Hitler Youth (Hitler-Jugend) who used propaganda and now it looks like our president wants to do that with American schoolchildren. As a former high school teacher, this is an absolute crime and outrage.

STAND UP AND FIGHT this nonsense!

What's going to be next? The President's Term should be extended or will they start questioning all the intellectuals and teachers who could instruct others to resist this socialist trash.

Critics Decry Obama's 'Indoctrination' Plan for Students - Political News -

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