This was an email I sent out to many of my friends yesterday through email. It’s about a student of mine...pray for her soul and for her family. Thank you.
Hello everyone,
It has been quite a long time since I have sent out a blast email, but St. Mary’s High School needs your prayers at this time. Nicole Rodia, a junior here at SMHS, was killed in a car accident on Sunday evening. I received the call and was at the hospital within minutes. Nicole and her friend Meghan (out of the hospital) were driving home from Mass (she had just received Holy Eucharist!) at St. Theresa’s when the accident occurred. Nicole was pronounced dead at the scene.
This has hit me very hard personally. I had Nicole in my Theology class last year. She began hanging out in my classroom last year with her friends. When this year began, Nicole and about 10 other students were ALWAYS in my classroom before school and during break. She was often sitting in my desk chair or right next to me in another chair near my desk. There were mornings when I would arrive a few minutes tardy to school; there was Nicole waiting for me at my door.
I find myself in tears as I write you this email. I loved this kid! She was a fantastic all around student. Gifted academically and athletically as well as had a strong Catholic faith. I had many conversations with her regarding the Church in class and outside of the classroom. I remember encouraging her to go on the March for Life with us in Washington D. C. She was a true example everyday of a holy and virtous child of God. One of her friends said to me, we all make the wrongchoices, but Nicole always made the right choice.
Tomorrow night is the prayer service and rosary and Friday will be the Funeral Mass at St. Theresa’s at 10am (Arizona time). Please say a prayer for Nicole and the entire Rodia family as well as for Meghan Lawrence and her family.
Note to the Readers: On the inside of my sun visor in my 4 Runner, I have Nicole's Funeral Mass Prayer Card.